Looking for a sexual abuse or sexual assault lawyer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho?  Contact us today.

Sexual Crime in Idaho

Being convicted of a sex crime in the state of Idaho can mean incarceration and large fines in addition to lifelong registration as a sex offender. It can affect your eligibility for professional growth and housing opportunities. If you are involved in a sex crime case, it is in your best interest to seek qualified legal representation to ensure your rights are protected.


According to the Idaho code 18-6101, rape is defined as the penetration, however slight, of the oral, anal or vaginal opening with a penis accomplished by one of the many circumstances listed there. Some of the more common circumstances are as follows:

  • Victim is under 16 yrs old and perpetrator is 18 yrs or older
  • Victim is 16 yrs old and perpetrator is 19 yrs or older
  • Victim is 17 yrs old and perpetrator is 20 yrs or older
  • Victim resists but is overcome by force or violence
  • Victim in unable to consent due to mental illness or disability
  • Victim is prevented from resisting due to infliction or threatened infliction of bodily harm
  • Victim is unable to resist due to any intoxicating, narcotic, or anaesthetic substance
  • Victim is unconscious or asleep

Enticing Children Through the Internet or Devices

This is defined a an adult who attempts to lure or persuade a minor under 16 yrs old (or a person believed to be under 16 yrs old) through the use of the internet, phone, or other messaging devices to engage in a sexual act. Idaho Code 18-1509A.

Sexual Abuse of a Child

Sexual abuse of a child under the age of 16 with the intent to gratify sexual desire is a felony for anyone 18 years and older according the the Idaho state law, Idaho Code 18-1506.

Lewd Conduct with a Minor

Anyone who commits lewd or lascivious acts with or upon the body of a minor under 16 years of age. For a detailed list of lewd acts, see Idaho Code 18-1508.

Sexual Act with Unwilling Adult

Whether the forceful sex crime involves penetration or penetration by a foreign object, it is considered a serious felony and carries heavy penalties in the Idaho state courts. See categories below.


Video Voyeurism

This sex crime involves the use of an imaging device (video camera, smart phone, etc.) in a place where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy to capture “intimate area” footage or images of a person without their knowledge. It also applies to intentionally or recklessly disseminating images of the intimate areas of a person without their consent. Idaho code 18-6609 gives more details on this crime. 

Looking for a sexual abuse or sexual assault lawyer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho?  Contact us today.

sexual abuse or sexual assault lawyer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Working with Redal & Redal

John Redal has spent over 20 years studying the Kootenai county judicial system, several of those years as a prosecutor. He knows the individuals within the legal system and is a respected attorney in court. If you are looking for a sexual abuse or sexual assault lawyer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho or surrounding areas, request a free consultation now to learn how we can fight for you.